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Year-Round Schedule for the Students

Analyst Course
Learning methods of identifying problems and their causes by analyzing the actual conditions of multicultural communities

Obtaining Qualities

An ability to identify actual multicultural conditions in communities or work places and analyze the problems structurally

  • Discussions are held until students structurally understand actual conditions.

  • Actual condition surveys are conducted at field work in the community.

  • Based on the results of the field work, discussions regarding local conditions are held to decide on the problems.

* To make the program more accessible for working adults, classes are mainly conducted from 7:00 pm to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, or on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Planner Course
Learning the case studies related to multicultural coexistence and methods in developing plans to facilitate multicultural coexistence

Obtaining Qualities

An ability to understand example cases of success and failure in problem solutions as well as their reasons and plan effective solutions that match actual conditions of communities and work places.

  • In assigned studies, students conduct planning for solution of local issues.

  • Taking advices from lecturers, the plan is discussed.

  • Make a presentation of the planned idea, and then further refinement will be conducted.

* To make the program more accessible for working adults, classes are mainly conducted from 7:00 pm to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, or on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Consultant Course
Learning the methods for implementation and support of multicultural community development plans under a PDCA cycle

Obtaining Qualities

An ability to facilitate planned projects to functioning and sustainable implementation

  • Planning is conducted through the exchange of ideas between students.

  • In the Project Type Assignments and Practice, a team developed beyond or within courses conducts planning together. To prepare for implementation of the plan, further discussion will be made.

  • Projects considering actual conditions and needs of the local community are presented at the Conference for Progress Reports. Students will actually work on these projects in the last half year.

* To make the program more accessible for working adults, classes are mainly conducted from 7:00 pm to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, or on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Students of the Consultant Course are divided by groups. Each group cooperates with students from Analyst and Planner courses. This section introduces actual activities of students.

Management in Urban Development and Improvement Division
Urban Development Department
Takasaki City Hall
Yukinobu Sagiya
Department of General Affairs
Vortex Seigun Co., Ltd.
Noriyuki Arai
Prefectural Tax Division
Gunma Prefecture West Part Resident Fujioka Prefectural Tax Office
Maki Nakazawa
Team Maebashi

The topic of our assigned study is a Community Cooperation Project for foreign students of universities and professional schools in this prefecture to work and live in Gunma. Currently more than 1, 000 foreign students, prominently Asian, live in this prefecture. They are precious human resources who can communicate in both Japanese and their mother languages. Our goal is to implement approaches that give them opportunities to perform at their full potential and to express themselves fully, in Gunma.
One of the approaches at this time is to prepare meeting sites for foreign students and local companies through production of a community radio program, working with the chamber of commerce, shopping center and university. Another approach is to develop a network in that foreign students can spontaneously work beyond their universities. We let the two projects organically function and promote the approaches with members of Planer and Analyst Courses to help foreign students to become supporters of the multicultural community in Gunma.

Department of General Affairs
Vortex Seigun Co., Ltd.
Noriyuki Arai
Deregulation Proposal

Currently, the lack of the number of truck drivers in Gunma Prefecture is a significant problem. In this project, to break through the actual condition in the trucking industry, we are working on the deregulation proposal for acceptance of foreign workers.
To deal with serious reduction of the labor force, we seek for solutions in terms of multicultural coexistence.

Community Safety Division
Maebashi Police Station
Asawa Yoshikawa
Team Bicycle

In the Team Bicycle Group, there are four members consisting of one from the Analyst Course, two from the Planer Course and one from the Consultant Course.
In this year, we will provide instruction of traffic rules for safe and secure bicycle riding and crime prevention training for foreign children.
As a student of the Consultant Course, I would like to unite team members to finish this project successfully.

SOGO-PR Co., Ltd.
Sales Department Division 3 - Account Planner
Hiroki Suto
Team Minakami

Just as the title of the team, we conduct projects in Minakami Town. As the base of a folk story, "Tejiro no Saru (White-pawed Monkey) " at Sarugakyo hot spring, we attempt cross-cultural understanding through lullabies, storytelling in multiple languages and exchange of food cultures in cooperation with foreign residents in Minakami Town.
Since this project is conducted through forming a team with various generations and businesses, we have had meaningful stimulating discussions and new findings differing from other lectures. I hope we can encourage the local community as much as possible through this project.

Project that where part-time students are involved in planning and operating

  • Japanese education project for ¨foreigners as residents in Japan¨ sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs
  • Project for Establishing an International Exchange Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Web Magazine

  • Gunma University
  • Gumma Prefecture
  • Japan Science and Technology Agency


Gunma University
Multicultural Community Education and Research Project Office

4-2, Aramakimachi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma-ken E-mail